Appalachia Technologies Blog

Appalachia Technologies team is comprised of a diverse mix of IT professionals, some of whom have been on the forefront of IT since the industry’s inception. Through the years, our team has developed a wide array of experience in understanding individual needs and how they relate to your business.

Zero Trust World - Day 1

Omni3…2…1... We have lift-off! Zero Trust World 2023 has officially launched and is coming to you from the Omni Champions Gate Resort in Orlando, Florida. Seated in a dark ballroom with a blue ambient light cascading throughout the room like the aurora borealis, I took in the events of the morning with splendor. The National Ballroom is the main stage where the morning’s activities took place. I don’t want to just bring you the information, but I want you to feel like you are here sitting beside me at the round table. No stone was left unturned at the event. As I sat at my table before the speakers even began, I was mesmerized by the exuberance and excitement pulsating through the room. If I were to close my eyes and just absorb the auditory environment, I would have assumed that I was at a trendy nightclub with upbeat music pulsating through the air.

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Explaining “Zero Trust,” Why You Need It, and the Best Way to Bring It to Your Organization

I’m going to throw some names out at you: Target, Uber, Colonial Pipeline, Equifax, Twitter. I’m sure most, if not all of you know these household names… maybe with the exception of Colonial Pipeline. I myself had never heard of them until I was sitting in my car in line to get gas while vacationing in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. On the radio was playing the news of how Colonial Pipeline had suffered a severe network breach that allowed an attacker to launch ransomware on their systems, shutting down their fuel transmission operations to the Southeastern United States. Which by sheer luck, I happened to be in that neck of the woods and got to experience my first-ever gas shortage. All I knew was I needed gas, or I wasn’t going to be able to leave the beach! Wait… how is that a bad thing? I digress.

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T-Minus 6 Days Until Zero Trust World 2023


As I’m sitting in my office looking at the wintry precipitation fall, it makes me long for a warmer climate. Well, I happen to be in luck, as next week I will be attending the Zero Trust World Conference, presented by ThreatLocker; which takes place in sunny and warm Orlando, Florida. In the midst of packing, making lists of things to take along, and making sure I’m TSA compliant, I have had my ear to the wire about the events being announced for the conference.  Here is a preview of what is to come!

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Top 8 Sources for Cybersecurity News

Not a single day goes by that we don’t either hear the word security or read the word security.  See?  You’ve already read it twice!  The internet is full of so much noise that it sometimes can be hard to filter out information that pertains to you and your organization, as well as what is credible.  Today I thought I’d take a moment to give you some great sources for security news.  These are sources that are very accurate and trustworthy.

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News & Updates

PRESS RELEASE Mechanicsburg, PA, July 11, 2024 - Appalachia Technologies is excited to announce that Terri Black-Bendl, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, has been nominated for the Women in Technology Awards, presented by Technology Council of Central PA.  Terri’s nomination category, Impact Award – Private Sector/Entrepreneur to Small Business, spotlights women who have made contributions in technology in the Entrepreneurial/Small Business (under 50 employees) category.

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Appalachia Technologies
5000 Ritter Road Suite 104
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055